How Key Cutting Works?
When you hear the word locksmith the first thing that comes to your mind is usually key cutting. One of the most common services that a local locksmith in Somerset West provides to its customers is key cutting.
Key cutting can involve making an entirely new key or making a duplicate of an existing key. It is always a good idea to have one set of spare keys for just in case you happen to loose your keys or if you lock your self out. When you have a spare set of keys you wont have to go through the process of getting a new key and lock. You can simply use your existing keys to make a spare set.
Key cutting is a process that many of us take for granted. There are only one set of keys that will fit the lock to your home. So what exactly does the key cutting process involve and how is it done?
The Actual Key Cutting Process
Key cutting in simple easy to understand terms is basically just the reshaping of a blank metal key. The first step for our local locksmith is to choose an appropriate blank metal key which is the closest match to the lock in question. The excess metal on the key is then cut or shaved off via the key cutting machine so that it correctly matches the shape of the original key. Usually, this process is done very quickly and is an inexpensive service.
The actual key cutting process however has a lot more to it. Two keys will be inserted into the key cutting machine (one being the original key and one being a blank key from the key bank). The blade of the blank key is flat so the original key is used as a guide for the key cutting machine. Both keys are held in place on top of each other as the original key needs to be used to guide the cutting device. The key cutting machine will then cut the required indentation and grooves into the key as they are required to create a perfect copy of the original key, ensuring that it fits perfectly with the lock it was cut for.
The final step in the key cutting process is deburring the cut key. In simple terms, deburring is the process of filing down the sharp edges that may be left on the key as a result of the cutting process, therefore preventing any cuts or injuries to the use or any damage internally to your lock.