COVID 19’s Impact on Security Technology

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business and a lot of business is now conducted online, but for some businesses, like frontline workspaces, hospitals, manufacturing and retail operations the workforce has to be in attendance.
Businesses have found ways to resume operations safely and many have opted to upgrade their access control systems with facial recognition systems and other no touch devices. These systems prevent users from having to put their finger on a fingerprint reader or push a code into a keypad. The systems can also use Artificial Intelligence to screen users and deny access for users with high temperatures and/or no mask.
Flow control systems are being implemented in busy spaces such as retail centers and they count people entering and exiting and thereby manage social distancing and flow control.
No touch exit and entry access control is also gaining popularity rapidly to reduce the need for unnecessary physical contact with touch points, buttons and keypads. The no touch systems come in a variety of devices. Facial recognition, palmprint recognition and NFC and QR code scanners.
Take a look at some of these products on or contact us directly at Shanken for export advice