Buddy Guard

Personal Emergency Response
How to get help in an emergency fast and efficiently
When you are at home and someone attempts to break in or you have hurt yourself, its highly likely that you will be able to reach a panic button to call an armed response company. If not, you will probably have your phone with you. What do you do when you are not at home, out of range of that receiver or someone has just stolen your phone?
As a first line of defense, many people have resorted to carrying a bottle of mace or even a taser around with them in their pockets. Many runners and cyclists do this. Sadly, in some cases they are either unable to find it quick enough or are overpowered by the perpetrator and the product is never used. Sometimes it is even used by the mugger against the victim. We carry our phones with us when we are out exercising which makes us even more attractive targets – smart phones are expensive items and a favorite “easy meal” for thieves!
So, what can you do if you are out for a run, walking your dog or riding your bike and a bad guy intercepts you and steals your phone? How could you get help fast if you injure yourself in a remote location?
There is a relatively new product on the market that is gaining popularity, It is called a BuddyGuard. It is a remote-control unit which is connected to an App on your smart phone and uses GPS signals to be traced. You simply carry the lightweight unit with you and press the button when you are in trouble. One press for security assistance and if it’s held down a little longer a medical alert is sent. It can also be activated from the app on your phone.
The BuddyGuard call center will call you back within seconds . If they fail to get hold of you or if you inform them that you are in trouble an “UBER” like system is kicked off. BuddyGuard will locate and send the closest service provider to your aid. Within minutes someone will be there to help you. At the same time the App will let your friends and family members (who you have nominated) know that you are in need of assistance. Your location will be visible to them on the App.
This device is ideal for the elderly, the disabled, shift workers, people who drive at night, uber drivers and uber users, people who exercise, your children and even teenagers going out for the evening. In fact there are so many applications, I believe that eventually everyone will have one.
If you are interested in finding out more about this product, please go to the BuddyGuard website www.buddyguard.co.za which has details of the coverage and service providers. If you decide you would like one, contact us directly and we will give you a discount code to enter when making your purchase. There is a once off cost for the device and a low monthly subscription which keeps you connected.